March 13 marked a world premiere and gala dinner to celebrate the new documentary film “Georgi Danevski: Confessions of the Heart.”
Various dignitaries, including Macedonian Consul General Martin Trenevski and UMD Director of Canadian Operations Jim Daikos, were present at the event, which was held in the Great Hall of Sveti Kliment Ohridski Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral, Toronto.
This film beautifully portrays the life and art of Danevski, whom some have nicknamed “the Macedonian Michelangelo.” An accomplished and versatile painter with a special passion for horses, Georgi Danevski is perhaps best known for his stunning iconography and massive ceiling and wall murals that grace Macedonian Orthodox churches.
Created by Bill Yancoff, the long-time producer of the nationally-broadcast Macedonian Heritage show in Canada, “Confessions of the Heart” is very special because of its personal and intimate insight into the artist’s life. It traces Danevski’s life from childhood in his hometown of Vinica, where he played with his friends at an ancient archaeological site, and frequently visited the beautiful Orthodox church in Berovo, where he was first fascinated by magnificent Orthodox icons and frescoes. The film follows Danevski through his university life in Ljublijana, Slovenia, where his professors were quick to recognize his emerging talent, to married life and the birth of his two daughters. It also shows how the entire family’s life was changed dramatically after a visit from two Macedonians from Canada, which resulted in moving to Toronto to adorn Saint Clement of Ohrid Cathedral in Toronto, and then Saint Dimitrija of Solun, in nearby Markham, Ontario.
Throughout the film, Bill Yancoff skillfully depicts the humanity of Georgi Danevski.
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